
Some people have that rare ability to simultaneously seem rushed or harried while accomplishing less work than others.  Laura and I attend a choreographed exercise class that is a combination of pilates and yoga (yes, I know . . . ).  One of our instructors is often late for class and then can never keep us in sync with the planned music and movements.  One view is that she has this zen-like ability to transcend the normal bounds of time and space.  Another view is that she is just one of those people – particularly as she exhorts people to keep up and keep relaxed and centered.

I write this because I am mindful that I have been absent from my blog for over a month.  I am trying to not to be “that person” as I gently complain about what has quite possibly been the busiest work month of my career.  I’d like to say that I’m back, but this busy-ness may be a thing for a while.

Laura and I have an image for existence in the modern world:  Gerbils on a wheel.  Actually, this image draws on my now quite old economics education.  We all are part of the great machine that is designed to allow us to create things of value to others that allows us to earn money that allows us to buy things of value that are created by others and so the wheel turns.  Macroeconomics in a nutshell.

I hope I have been creating a lot of value in the past month, but I am a lawyer.  At the end of the day, I do not have a nifty widget that I can hold up and say, “see what I’ve made!”  Instead, I have mostly words  — but so far people seem willing to pay for them (thus, valuable by definition).

Regardless, as it relates to keeping a more regular blogging schedule, I shall endeavor to do better .

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